Posts Tagged ‘State of Emergency’

Japan Nuclear Meltdown feared in Fukushima

March 12, 2011

Officials in Japan have declared a Nuclear State of Emergency after leaks were found in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

4 Million households remain powerless in Tokyo and northern prefectures. The Nuclear Plants, of which 4 were affected where effectively shut down when the earthquake hit. However, 2 of the plants showed leaks that were due to the overheating of the cores and rods whose cooling were dependent on electrically powered pumps. The United States will send cooling units to help the Japanese government.

It is feared that a chernobyl type of scenario could occur and that leaks are inevitable that will affect Fukushima and other prefectures. The winds may also spread this radiation to other surrounding countries as what happened in Chernobyl. The Nuclear leak may cause an increase Cancer in the affected areas.

All efforts are being undertaken to avoid a similar meltdown. A 10 mile radius has now been extended to over 50 miles under the state of emergency as the Fukushima plant is rocked with another explosion injuring four. Experts noted that Japanese officials have 24 hours to cool the cores and rods and avoid a total and disastrous meltdown similar to Chernobyl.