Posts Tagged ‘Romy Gecolea’

UP Alumni awards being made a BIG joke!

March 28, 2011

Recently it was reported to this 4th estate member that the University of the Philippines has been reviewing the records of Alumnae who have contributed to Philippine society.

In several instances, the Executive Director of the UP Alumni Board by the name of Romeo H. Gecolea, a noted has been in University circles and reportedly jobless prior to being “given” this vaunted position has been trying to manipulate votes being made by the selection committee. According to a member of the selection committee, Gecolea has been boasting his connections to the current UP President and has been airing his preferences during UP Alumni Association selection committee meetings. Some of the members have told stories of outbursts when candidates being reviewed are not to the liking of Gecolea. One Director noted that he is not even a member of the committee and has no vote and yet wants us to vote according to his wishes. He is making the selection process a BIG joke for those among us and candidates who take this award seriously! He is seriously degrading the stature of the Selection Committee and the University by acting in this manner one director quipped.

Another insider hinted that Gecolea has also been involved in an affair with one of the Officers of the UPAA.

Mr. UP President, maybe you should give Mr. Gecolea an INC or a 5.0 grade for his antics!