Posts Tagged ‘Roilo Golez’

Tupas should step aside – Syjuco

March 8, 2011

In a live committee meeting of the House Committee on Justice on the impeachment proposition in Congress, Congressman Bobby Syjuco moved to have Congressman Neil Tupas inhibit himself out of delicadeza. This motion came in light of cases pending in the Ombudsman concerning the father of Congressman Tupas who was a former governor and who was rumored to have approached Deputy Ombudsman Casimiro on his pending cases.

Congressman Lagman, Minority Leader, also noted that there is a pending Supreme Court motion for reconsideration from the Ombudsman and that Congress should follow due process. Congressman Golez for his part stated that parliament has the right to impeach regardless of whether it is a judicial or a political process. 76% of the members of the House of Representatives are none lawyers. Therefore, it, impeachment, would be a political process rather than a judicial one. None Lawyers will decide this according to what they feel is right for the public Golez ended.

In a separate press forum of the CBCP in Intramuros, embattled Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez noted that media has been unfair to her in light of all the allegations. She has stated that she will not face Congress as she does not expect any impartiality. She noted that she will not be able to get any semblance of fairness if those hearing the impeachment themselves have pending cases with the Ombudsman such as the father of Congressman Tupas and Congressman Farinas. The Ombudsman has held fast against Congressman, both being constitutional bodies, stating that the motion for reconsideration still pending in the Supreme Court should first be decided and that she would gladly face the Senate rather than the house. Former Senator Nene Pimentel stated that impeachment proceedings should be impartial in the CBCP forum.

Congressman Albano stated that we should determine probable cause first. We should not be too liberal on the rules of impeachment and should be guided by a judge for the interest of the public. The sense of fairness is lost when this is done in haste Congressman Oreta stated. Congressman Climaco noted that the Committee should turn itself into a collegial body to vote according to their conscience as this is what is expected of the Public.

In light of the allegations and of pending cases with the Ombudsman, the particular congressional proceeding has been put in bad light and has raised eyebrows on its partiality. The cases presented and supported by Congressman Teddy Casino seem to bear weight. So let the cases stand for themselves and bear scrutiny . Congressman Miro Quimbo, Vice Chairman of the Justice Committee, found it alarming that the officials of the House, most specially members of the Justice Committee, are now being hounded and assaulted before the bar of public opinion. Congressman Tupas alleged that the confidential laws are being partially implemented by the Ombudsman.

The 55 member Justice Committee is set to vote on the motion to impeach the Ombudsman where 28 will be the deciding vote. Ex Officio members can vote, but these votes will not be counted according to the House Rules as set by the Speaker.

Angelo Reyes’ death by publicity, the demise of a general.

February 8, 2011

Senator Gringo Honasan may have hit the nail head squarely when he said earlier today that and I quote: “Maybe we should have executive sessions to protect the reputation of resource persons and witnesses”. This in reaction to the sudden and untimely death of General Angelo Reyes who had in the previous day saw how Jinggoy Estrada lambasted and cajoled General Ligot in trying to pin alleged corruption charges on the wife of General Reyes.

We should not forget that Jinggoy Estrada, the son of convicted and pardoned former President Estrada who was charged and found guilty of plunder has had Reyes in his sights for many years. Apparently Jinggoy has not forgotten how they lost power when the former Chief of Staff turned against the President by pulling out his support from ERAP and shifting to GMA. This led to the immediate downfall and subsequent overthrow of his father. Jinggoy worked doubly hard to look for evidence to connect Reyes to another plunderer General Garcia in light of the plea bargain controversy now besetting the nation.

In another instance, neophyte junior Senator Trillanes went about insulting Reyes who was invited as a resource person again during the hearings on the plea bargain of General Garcia.

It is very apparent that Philippine Senators and Congressmen have no regard for the reputation of their resource persons or witnesses! These so called gentlemen and erstwhile leaders hide behind their immunity from suit in a very arrogant display of candor. In doing so, they verbally abuse and libelously insult guests to hearings that are “in aid of legislation”. Yes! IN AID OF LEGISLATION! Just a week ago Miriam Defensor called a lawyer an amoeba!

Today a man took his own life because his reputation was besmirched. He was insulted publicly and his honor sullied. His family was dragged into a corruption case. Accusations and allegations were hurled. From who? Colonel Rabusa who he himself admitted that he was in collusion with the AFP comptroller General Garcia in stealing public funds. Heidi Mendoza who may be telling the truth, but apparently only from her perspective because slowly the truth is coming out that the 200 million pesos was not missing after all as found out during the congressional inquiry today based on the statement of Gilda Pico of Landbank and a resource person from the UCPB. At most, what may have occurred is that someone made off with the interest from the 50 million pesos that was placed in the long term deposit account in UCPB.

General Reyes may have had no recourse in taking his own life as in the eyes of the public, he was already tried and found guilty. The weight of negative public opinion created by the unsubstantiated accusations and mere allegations made to look like gospel truth made a damaging effect. Negative publicity, unlike that of a court case can seldom be reversed. For General Angelo Reyes, it was probably too much to bear in seeing his family being slowly dragged into a publicity stunt that Senators are using to earn their brownie points and votes.

What was absurd was Jinggoy grilling accused visitors to the Senate on corruption! He is arguably the least credible person to do so in light of his close family association with a CONVICTED plunderer. This in the guise of conducting hearings “in aid of legislation”. How many laws have been enacted as a result of “hearings in aid of legislation”?

If the Senate and Congress are truly august bodies deserving the respect of the Filipino people, then they must refrain from conducting these publicity stunts and afford the respect that are due to citizens of this nation. They should inhibit themselves from creating spectacles that inevitably destroy reputations.

Senator Honasan is on the right track in his suggestion. But how long will it take before the Senate and the Lower House realize that people they invite are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. I guess publicity is more important to them in order to show that the funds given them are well spent.

Today a man took his own life! It was not suicide, it was death by publicity!