Posts Tagged ‘Renator Corona’

Umali defends authenticity of documents

February 15, 2012

Congressman Rey V. Umali of Oriental Mindoro provided excuses on where in Senate premises the allegedly fake documents passed on to him by who he claimed as “little lady”. Viewing the CCTV coverage, he claims that the documents may have been passed in places not covered by any Senate CCTV camera. He stated that at this time no conclusions should be made as to the authenticity of the documents passed to him but under oath was identified by the PSBank manager as a fake.

Umali, who is a Liberal Party member also said that they had no way of checking on the authenticity of the fake document. But made an excuse that he verified it against trial documents he had in his possession. He said that the authenticity of the document should not be put in question but rather focus on the results it provided which was to verify the existence of the bank accounts of Corona in the PS Bank. “The accounts exist as verified by the PS Bank President!”

It is apparent that the congressmen prosecutors are head-over-heels in searching or creating documents to pursue the impeachment case. This after the President had announced his displeasure in how the prosecution was pursuing the case.

The alleged document which led to a subpoena issued by the Senate irked Presiding Judge Juan Ponce Enrile and earned the ire of several Senator jurists. Enrile said, “It seems to me that you are pursuing the impeachment and gathering evidence through the subpoenas!” More so, because the subpoena almost led the country into a constitutional crisis where the Supreme Court issued a TRO against the opening of any Foreign Currency Bank accounts pursuant to the law.

The prosecution panel was asked to explain in a memorandum to explain the reasons behind the “fake documents.” Senator Defensor remained unconvinced however and berated Congressman Farinas and Tupas on the legalities and penalties for providing the impeachment court fake and spurious documents.

Corona’s accounts were verified by PS Bank President through the alleged document. But Bank Manager Tiongson, whom the prosecution belatedly adopted as their witness said the attached document is not a PS Bank document.

A legal analyst stated however that the onus would on who released the documents, if they are real or true copies, as this would hold them accountable to penalties under the Bank Secrecy Laws of the Philippines. The prosecution has refused to disclose the source of the documents, only stating that it came from a “little lady” and that it has been verified by the PS Bank President anyway.

The Senate has asked PS Bank to present documents in their possession in connection with the “fake documents.”

Lack luster prosecution team in Corona Impeachment

February 14, 2012

Compared to the ERAP impeachment proceedings, the current team of Congressmen prosecutors in the impeachment trial seems unprepared and amateur. Several Senators have already noted their lack of preparation to present and pursue their case against the embattled Supreme Court Chief Justice.

Senator Joker Arroyo commented and told the prosecutors to come to the trial prepared. Senator Defensor has often scolded lead prosecutor Tupas on the merits of their case. Presiding Judge Enrile however went the farthest to scold publicly the prosecution team on their use of purportedly fake documents as stated by a witness to pursue their case.

Faced against “Ka Apin” the lead defense lawyer, the prosecution congressmen are made to look silly and bereft of any knowledge of trial procedures. Often, Presiding Judge Enrile is forced to assist the beguiled Congressmen prosecutors when Ka Apin questions their procedures. TV tapes would bear this out. Senator Drillon, a known supporter for the impeachment of Corona is then forced to conduct his own trial of the Supreme Court Chief Justice showing partiality in the process.

With more than 50 private prosecutors being paid for by public funds and taxpayers money, the prosecutors seem to be failing in the expectations thrust upon them. Maybe because they are all amateur in a sense, without real trial court experience or they may have been bottom feeders in law school with the exception of Farinas who graduated in the top ten of his class.

Add to this the lack of discipline shown by the prosecution when one congresswoman of the prosecution panel started taking photos of documents presented by a PSBank witness which again drew the ire of Senate President Enrile. Ka Apin noted that the photos would be presented to the press even before these documents are publicly released by the Senate further angering Enrile.

The public sentiment is slowly shifting, giving credence to the accusation of a prosecution “Fishing Expedition” to pursue their case which is based on a flawed, rushed verified complaint which is already bad enough. When you have a bad complaint and bad lawyers, the end could be predicted despite of the support by pro administration and anti gloria senators.

On the publicity side and PR battle, both are equal in a sense that their spokespersons are able to explain their sides. The prosecution team however goes overboard when Marikina Congressman Miro Quimbo tries to pursue the case in public using the press. This earned the prosecution panel another warning from the Senate Impeachment Court. Likewise, the Defense panel has been cited for claims of impropriety that they made public earning a scolding from Senator Cayetano.

While the trial goes on, pending bills are stuck in Congress and the Senate making slower the already tedious process of legislation in the Philippines.

The Public expects more from the prosecutors, otherwise, it may be perceived and deduced that they represent all the congressmen in the Philippines – lackluster, full (fool) of themselves and prone to ego trips. Heed the advise of the Senators and come to the trial prepared!