Posts Tagged ‘President’

DOT Alberto Lim refuses to resign over fiasco, belittles cost of launch!

November 27, 2010

The cost for launching Pilipinas Kay Ganda was small compared to what was stolen by past administrations! This is the latest statement from Secretary Alberto Lim of the Department of Tourism. He also passed “Total Responsibility” on the head of resigned Tourism Promotions Undersecretary Enteng Romano. I told him to slow down, he added.

All this despite the check which he signed last October 18 with vouchers fully attached describing the event and its components. Alberto Lim had total knowledge and even control of the Pilipinas Kay Ganda campaign because he was the one who instructed Enteng Romano to undertake studies for a new campaign to be launched. Several weeks before the actual launch and consequently after massive complaints were aired on all media, Alberto Lim continued to promote the logo and slogan which in fact was his baby. A tourism official who did not want to be identified said that the Secretary put pressure on Usec. Romano to produce something in time for the the Tour Operators event. Usec. Romano was just working under these instructions. Campaigns & Grey was also suggested by Secretary Lim as the Agency to call for assistance in the development of the new campaign.

Minimizing the wasting of millions of taxpayers money can never be accepted as an excuse by the general public one senatorial staff quipped after investigations were initiated on the high salaries of government officials. This administration makes it appear that being paid a high salary in government is a crime, but to waste a similar amount can just be written off like a corporate mistake. If Secretary Lim thinks this way, he will have a hard time being confirmed by the Commission on Appointments. Word has it that the legislative liaison office of the Department of Tourism has been working on the members of the powerful CA through constant negotiations with staffers of Commission. The LLO as it is known in the DOT makes sure that Congressmen and Senators are included in familiarization tours and provided other perks such as the exclusion from the payment of travel and airport taxes even when these officials are on private trip. This unit is directly under Theresa I. Martinez, the current righthand and strong arm of Alberto Lim.

According to Lim, there are certain limits to command responsibility. If I resign, then it goes all the way up to the President!

This kind of reasoning would have been appropriate in past administrations, but not in this one. Opinion makers have lauded Enteng Romano for his supreme sacrifice. Note the resignation only came after calls for Lim to resign were massively aired and improprieties like the involvement of family members in the production of the event arose. What adds insult to injury is that Alberto Lim has also lauded the resignation of Romano but at the same time has stated that investigations on the failed and botched launch will be initiated.

His dilly dallying and lying is obviously apparent to the general public and tourism stakeholders. Malacanang however has put a period on the fiasco and has left the matter to the powerful Commission on Appointments on whether to reject the appointment of the lying secretary! What gives?

No amount is too small when it comes to Public funds and their use! Every peso counts most specially if they are wantonly and inappropriately spent for wine and dine activities as held to launch the logo and campaign which lasted a week – thank god! Malacanang has to move on this to save its image. Otherwise, it losses moral leverage on much larger issues.