Posts Tagged ‘Philippine Convention & Visitors Corporation’

Bertie Lim finally gets something right!

February 5, 2011

It would seem that the hand of god was finally extended to Bertie Lim with a slap on the nape that made him come to his senses and make a right decision for a change. Appointing Danny Corpuz as Undersecretary by far is one of the best actions and decisions he has made since his approval by the CA. Daniel G. Corpuz is a tourism long timer with an astute mind that works to create the foundations and partnerships for a successful tourism platform. Yes platform and not just a campaign.

Corpuz who is the son of O.D. Corpuz, the national writer, used to head the Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation. He was the man behind the successful tourism plan that made Manila a mecca for the biggest conventions and activities in South East Asia. This man has no personal agenda and even avoids the limelight. Instead, as a loyal government employee, he attributes his achievements and success as opportunities only provided by the current Secretary he serves loyally. He says that he is only the tool and his success is the success of the Secretary. This is probably one of the most important aspects and characteristics that others have mostly lost in the service.

Danny was one of the first people to brief former Senator Dick Gordon when he assumed the position of DOT Secretary. Gordon was impressed with the briefing he got as Danny shelled out data and information during an impromptu presentation. No slides, no powerpoint, no preparations. Danny stood in front of a man who is probably one of the hardest people to impress. Gordon knew he was in front of a true specialist and Gordon’s only complaint was for Danny to speak with more confidence!

It was the same thing with Secretary Gemma Araneta who greatly depended on Danny and the PCVC to implement the hardest programs. At every point, Danny Corpuz delivered.

Danny may be a little older now and he is not perfect as someone reading this may arrive at as a conclusion. But by far, Corpuz brings to the DOT table, the insight, the knowledge and the support from the tourism private sector – elements that would make our tourism infrastructure more competitive.

With bad advisors as Rosvi Gaetos and corrupt officials like Undersecretary Theresa I. Martinez finally out of the DOT, Alberto Lim may finally get the right inputs from the right people and move tourism forward finally.