Posts Tagged ‘Nuclear Power’

DFA-Filipinos in Japan safe so far

March 13, 2011

According to the DFA, no reports of Filipino deaths have been monitored so far. The Embassy in Tokyo has advised Filipinos in Fukushima to go to Police and Fire stations and try to contact the Embassy or Consulates and their relatives to advise of their status. Thirty Filipinos have so far been stranded in a hotel and they have reported this to the Embassy. Philippine Embassy staff have created a team that will go to the affected prefecture and determine first hand the status of Filipinos, many of whom are permanent residents of the area.

Access to Fukushima Prefecture, one of the hardest hit and Sendai City have been restricted due to the danger of another explosion in the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Roads have also been prioritized for use the military which has mobilized over 100,000 men to help in the rescue and recovery efforts currently being undertaken. Japanese authorities have warned their citizens and other residents to stay clear of the 20 to 50 mile wide danger zone surrounding the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Air rescue efforts have been hampered as the airport in Sendai and an adjacent airforce base were wiped out by the Tsunami that came after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit last Friday.

Discipline among the Japanese has been phenomenal despite the lack of food, potable water and the destruction that surrounded them. Food and water lines were orderly with none uttering any complaints. Authorities have however stated that the power shortage and the lack of access has been a challenge getting much needed supplies to the area. Helicopters have so far carried the brunt of the effort in providing much needed supplies and medical aid.

The majority of the population of Sendai City and surrounding towns have moved to higher ground for fear that the succeeding tremors would spawn another tsunami.

Search on after Japan quake, DFA mobilized for Filipino residents

March 12, 2011

As aftershocks continued to be felt in the earthquake zone, search and rescue operations have begun in earnest to find survivors and determine the total number of casualties. It has been determined that 420 lives have been lost and 800 still remain missing. Over 300,000 remain homeless and have sought shelter in Malls, Train Stations, Gyms, Hospitals and designated evacuation centers across the torn regions.

Tsunami in Miyagi prefecture

Water and food have been scarce as most stores have remained closed. Officials in Tokyo and other parts of Japan unaffected by the large tremor are mobilizing to provide for those who have been affected. Residents who have been moved to higher ground in fear of further aftershocks that may trigger more deadly tsunamis.

It was reported earlier that the Nuclear Plants where shut down safely, however the Nuclear plant in Fukushima is reported to have overheated after the cooling system has shut down. A 10 mile wide radius has been declared as a radiation danger zone by the government of Prime Minister Naoto Kan to ensure the safety of people residing around the said plant. Four Million residents remain without electricity in Tokyo and the other Northern Prefectures.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant under close guard after leaks found due to overheating

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs have started the search for Filipinos residing and working in the affected areas. According to Undersecretary Eduardo Malaya, DFA Spokesperson, the whole staff of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo and the 4 Consulates have been mobilized to determine the location and status of Philippine Citizens and resident migrants. Based on DFA data, of the 305,972 Filipinos in Japan there are 84,407 permanent Filipino residents in the whole of Northern Japan. There are 1,309 in Miyagi, 2,366 in Fukushima, 906 in Iwate and 551 in Aomori prefectures. He said that the Tokyo embassy are verifying the condition of Filipinos in the area. DFA has set a hotline for people to call to ask about their relatives or to report their status: (632)834-4646 and (632)834-4580. The Philippines through the Philippine Red Cross headed by Richard Gordon will be sending a search and rescue contingent to Japan to help with the rescue and recovery efforts in recognition of the close relationship between the Philippines and Japan.

Philippine Embassy complement in a pre-earthquake photo

In the Philippines, over 55,000 residents have returned to their coastal towns and homes on the Northern and Northeastern pacific coasts after a night in designated relocation areas.