Posts Tagged ‘Manny Pacquiao’

PNOY keeps WOW Philippines, DOT Chief refuses!

December 1, 2010

Despite statements from no less than President Aquino that he will continue the WOW Philippines campaign, DOT Chief Alberto Lim is still adamant that the campaign should be changed. New viral marketing materials from the Department of Tourism has stricken the WOW word from the logo. See the DOT website at

This defiance is creating brand confusion in the market according to an advertising executive. What he is doing is SUBTERFUGE where certain elements are taken out or added in a picture to trick the eye and train it to the adoption of an addition or elimination of a visual element. Taking out the word WOW is probably his way of saying that he still got his way. Unknowingly, taking out the WOW damages the current campaign in the long run because it now lacks an “invitation”.

He now calls the WOW Philippines campaign as one bereft of the beauty of Philippine Culture. This is his defense for the now defunct and plagiarized “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” campaign which President Aquino himself dumped. What is concerning here is the arrogance and determination of Alberto Lim to even go against the President whom he serves. PNOY campaign officials who are now holding crucial posts in the government have been steadfastly defending the beleaguered DOT Secretary and saying that Alberto Lim still has the confidence of the President and command responsibility ended with the resignation of Enteng Romano.

In the deliberations on the PKG, Lim refused to listen to the inputs from within the DOT such as that of Edwin Trompeta and other Regional Directors. He also refused inputs from the stakeholders – the hotels, travel agencies and tour providers. Alberto Lim should just follow the instructions of President Aquino NOW and have Manny Pacquiao promote the Philippines globally because he already has global appeal. Imagine Manny saying: “WOW Philippines! See my country!” and then have a series with Manny in many tourist sites saying – “WOW Beautiful Churches” – “WOW Beautiful People” – “WOW Best Beaches”. Manny Pacqiuao did this for VITWATER by just saying “YOU KNOW”.