Posts Tagged ‘Democracy’

Farewell Cory

August 4, 2009

Corazon Aquino has passed from the realm of being a housewife, a former President of the Republic of the Philippines, an icon of Philippine freedom, a paragon of democracy to that of the newest Philippine hero.

Many others would disagree with this, but from the humble opinion of this normal citizen, she is deserving of the honor.

Nobody is perfect, not even our heroes who were after all human. Cory is human too, but it is in her view of humanity vis her actions and its importance to her is where the heroism of Cory is defined. If “Mother of our nation or Ina ng bayang Pilipinas” does not define what she is to many Filipinos, then there would be no other appropriate title.

As a young man in the 80’s, I was touched by the simplicity of Cory. Being in the cusp of democratic change in our nation, she created an impact on me that would ingrain the value of patriotism and service. Her presidency to me was a personal challenge to make things better for our nation through my own little contributions. She imbued pride in race and patriotism that has forever been with me and I have managed to pass on to my children.

In my stint in government, I was able to be at her side only twice. This was already after her term as President. Her simplicity and humility overwhelmed me. I remember being in Hacienda Luisita where she had hosted a simple lunch buffet of burong dalag and hipon and other specialties. She was in her simple yellow dress and like a mother to all came to see what we were having, making sure that each one of us were eating. What touched me was she would break protocol just to make sure we were comfortable.

When she spoke, she spoke from the heart with an honesty that one can only accept as an advise from one’s mother. It broke down the walls and barriers that one would usually put up to defend positions and principles.

After government, I went to the private sector where our paths would cross again. It was a time when ERAP was President and he was on the verge of being impeached. I was then working with a foundation that was closely aligned to Tita Cory and headed by Rapa. At the early morning of EDSA dos, wearing only shorts and slippers, I met her once more. With a simple look of approval and a nod of the head she smiled at me. Her simple demeanor at that important event at the EDSA shrine gave me the conviction and reinforced the belief that we were indeed defending the gains and foundations of democracy under her and subsequently FVR’s presidencies.

I believe that I am a better Filipino for having met her. I believe that her passing is not the end, but the beginning of a better Pilipinas.

Many politicians would use her death to prop their lack luster images and their own political ambitions as already seen in their speeches and announcements. Many more would claim affiliation with Cory and capitalize on her image. What they do not know is Cory has already done her work. Her passing has revived in the Filipino to be more discerning of their future leaders. Cory in her passing has created a criteria for what Filipino leaders should be and how Filipino citizens should feel for their nation and how to act selflessly in its interest.

I am not part of the “yellow army” nor have I ever considered myself to be a member of it, for in all armies there are also those who run astray.

I will miss Cory for her simplicity, humility, leadership and strength of character. But I will miss Cory most for those times when our nation was in political distress and she would be there sitting, smiling, praying and guiding us all towards the right path through her actions.

To the family of Cory Aquino, I and my family share your grief in her passing and offer our condolences.

Farewell Cory.