Posts Tagged ‘Cebu Tourism’

Alberto Lim appointment deferred by CA

December 10, 2010

In a stunning move that echoed the sentiments of the general public, the appointment of Alberto Lim as Secretary of Tourism was deferred by the powerful Commission of Appointments. This after the CA conducted a public hearing that saw opponents of the beleaguered DOT Secretary hurl insults and accusations at him on his poor performance at the post for the last 6 months. Opponents cited his lack of action on the massacre of Hong Kong residents last 02 August at the grandstand and belittling the HK and China tourist market; his favoring the open skies; firing of tourism officials both from the DOT and the Tourism Board of the Philippines; and, the Pilipinas Kay Ganda debacle which he has denied having had anything to do with from its onset.

Robert Lim Joseph, Chair of the Travel Cooperative of the Philippines, did not hold back and called Alberto Lim an “idiot,” a “liar,” and an “incompetent”.

Tourism bodies who also opposed the confirmation were present to include representatives of Cebu Interline Operators, Chamber of Real Estate Builders Association, Davao Association of Tour Operators, Davao Tourism Association, Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Association of Cebu to name a few.

Alberto Lim sat bewildered but unmoved during the whole process as the majority of tourism bodies rejected his appointment for the causes mentioned.

Malacanang has stood beside Lim despite his efforts to involve the President in the Pilipinas Kay Ganda Polska plagiarism issue where Lim identified the President as suggesting changes to the campaign logo with the inclusion of the smiling sun and the tarsier.

The question remains whether the President will continue to insist on the appointment of Lim as the DOT Chief and re-submit his appointment papers. This maybe after further back room negotiations are conducted by the DOT Legislative Liaison Office of Theresa I. Martinez on the travel requirements and junkets of CA staffers and officers.

Let’s see if the PNOY campaign slogan still holds true -“Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap”! Let’s see if the Commission of Appointment members have the integrity to uphold national interest and the interest of the tourism industry as a whole by not confirming Alberto Lim.