Posts Tagged ‘Bert Lim’

DOT Chief denies and lies on funds spent for Pilipinas Kay Ganda flop!

November 25, 2010

In TV and print interviews, Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim has continued to deny any knowledge on the expenses incurred for Pilipinas Kay Ganda. Instead he has pointed to resigned Usec. Enteng Romano as fully responsible for the major debacle that has recently rocked the Aquino administration. In an interview with QTV, he feigned all knowledge of the expenses that where incurred and used his recent US trip as an excuse. Lack of knowledge and feigning knowledge cannot be used in this case as there is an approval process involved in government before funds are released for projects previously approved and screened by no less than the head of Agency or Department. All government employees know the concept of Complete Staff Work or CSW, where nothing is signed or moved upwards for decision until one is sure that he/she has done everything within government guidelines. Most DOT officials have been mum on the topic of Pilipinas Kay Ganda and refuse to comment on the approval process involved. One would ask if anyone at the DOT has the gumption to even help their beleaguered Secretary correct himself on his comments.

If one is to prepare a timeline on all the events surrounding the amateur thematic campaign Pilipinas Kay Ganda, it could be said that this is the “baby” of Secretary Lim and Enteng Romano was just the “implementor” in view of his position as DOT promotions Usec.

1. Secretary Lim was already negative about the previous WOW thematic campaign and Awesome tactical campaign when he assumed office as head of the DOT. He said that he would focus in concentrating on product development and that WOW as a word that defines the Philippines is an after thought of the Philippine experience. In effect he already wanted to change the message at the onset.

2. Secretary Lim, upon seeing the studies made by Campaigns and Grey instructed Usec. Enteng Romano to “take inspiration” from the Polska, Maldives and Espana logo.

3. Pilipinas Kay Ganda tagline was submitted by Campaigns & Grey based on the marketing data that the Agency was provided by Usec. Romano. This data shows that filipinos are still the most dominant “tourists” amongst the 3 Million foreign visitors to the Philippines. This marketing data is flawed because the DOT insists on recording filipinos residing abroad as tourists and count them as such. They also record foreigners who study and work here as tourists. So if I were an EXPAT and I go on a business trip to HK twice a year, everytime I come back to the Philippines, I am recorded as a tourist. The Agency used this data as a basis for using Tagalog.

3. The DOT wanted to stem the decline in visitor arrivals brought about by the loss of the HK and China markets. It was also affected by the negative tourist advisories.

4. Philippine Tourism Promotions Board (PTPB), formerly the Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation (PCVC) the prime marketing arm of the DOT was defanged and basically relegated to a secondary sideline role because its COO is a GMA appointee.

5. Secretary Lim presented the Pilipinas Kay Ganda to President Aquino in a cabinet meeting where it was already received negatively.

6. It is true that some elements were the idea of Usec. Romano like using Manny Pacqiuao. It is also true that Usec. Romano fast tracked the launching of the logo despite warnings from the Agency, but these were instructions from Secretary Lim because he already liked the idea and saw it fit to be launched ASAP to placate tourism stakeholders he had been ignoring -The resorts, travel agencies, tour organizers and tourist transport industry who have been clamoring for clear cut tourism marketing direction and presence in the global market.

7. It is also true that the website was the responsibility of Usec Romano, but it was previewed and approved by Secretary Lim.

Secretary Alberto Lim knows about Pilipinas Kay Ganda! In fact he mentioned that one of the main reasons for the new campaign is: Bago kasi ang Presidente so dapat may bago din tayong ipakita. This came out on DZRH and other news outlets.

His PR Agency and Bloggers worked double time to promote the launch event which VP Binay graced and which in his speech (Alberto Lim) cited as the new direction that will bring the tourist back to the Philippines.

Based on the instances and events above, Secretary Alberto Lim cannot deny that money was already spent and ready to be spent. Unless he has some form of Amnesia, he signed the CHECK which only comes after a proposal is approved and vouchers are prepared and signed (a tedious and slow process).

His excuse that he didn’t know after the fact that millions were spent for Pilipinas Kay Ganda is a total lie! Continuing to deny knowledge after having pushed for the campaign and passing the buck totally to Romano is a measure of the character of Secretary Lim.

In the private sector and big corporations, a marketing mistake can usually be written off as a bad management decision. In government, it cannot just be written off because of government rules and regulations. If heads are to roll, it should not just be that of Romano who continuously covers for Secretary Alberto Lim or Lim’s Chief of Staff. It should be Lim himself not waiting to be axed, but graciously and irrevocably resigning for his failure and lies.

Here is the check signed October 18, 2010. Vouchers are always attached to checks that details its purpose.

He denies signing this check and approving the release of funds.

Here is the event.