Posts Tagged ‘ABS-CBN’

DOT Alberto Lim refuses to resign over fiasco, belittles cost of launch!

November 27, 2010

The cost for launching Pilipinas Kay Ganda was small compared to what was stolen by past administrations! This is the latest statement from Secretary Alberto Lim of the Department of Tourism. He also passed “Total Responsibility” on the head of resigned Tourism Promotions Undersecretary Enteng Romano. I told him to slow down, he added.

All this despite the check which he signed last October 18 with vouchers fully attached describing the event and its components. Alberto Lim had total knowledge and even control of the Pilipinas Kay Ganda campaign because he was the one who instructed Enteng Romano to undertake studies for a new campaign to be launched. Several weeks before the actual launch and consequently after massive complaints were aired on all media, Alberto Lim continued to promote the logo and slogan which in fact was his baby. A tourism official who did not want to be identified said that the Secretary put pressure on Usec. Romano to produce something in time for the the Tour Operators event. Usec. Romano was just working under these instructions. Campaigns & Grey was also suggested by Secretary Lim as the Agency to call for assistance in the development of the new campaign.

Minimizing the wasting of millions of taxpayers money can never be accepted as an excuse by the general public one senatorial staff quipped after investigations were initiated on the high salaries of government officials. This administration makes it appear that being paid a high salary in government is a crime, but to waste a similar amount can just be written off like a corporate mistake. If Secretary Lim thinks this way, he will have a hard time being confirmed by the Commission on Appointments. Word has it that the legislative liaison office of the Department of Tourism has been working on the members of the powerful CA through constant negotiations with staffers of Commission. The LLO as it is known in the DOT makes sure that Congressmen and Senators are included in familiarization tours and provided other perks such as the exclusion from the payment of travel and airport taxes even when these officials are on private trip. This unit is directly under Theresa I. Martinez, the current righthand and strong arm of Alberto Lim.

According to Lim, there are certain limits to command responsibility. If I resign, then it goes all the way up to the President!

This kind of reasoning would have been appropriate in past administrations, but not in this one. Opinion makers have lauded Enteng Romano for his supreme sacrifice. Note the resignation only came after calls for Lim to resign were massively aired and improprieties like the involvement of family members in the production of the event arose. What adds insult to injury is that Alberto Lim has also lauded the resignation of Romano but at the same time has stated that investigations on the failed and botched launch will be initiated.

His dilly dallying and lying is obviously apparent to the general public and tourism stakeholders. Malacanang however has put a period on the fiasco and has left the matter to the powerful Commission on Appointments on whether to reject the appointment of the lying secretary! What gives?

No amount is too small when it comes to Public funds and their use! Every peso counts most specially if they are wantonly and inappropriately spent for wine and dine activities as held to launch the logo and campaign which lasted a week – thank god! Malacanang has to move on this to save its image. Otherwise, it losses moral leverage on much larger issues.

DOT Usec resigns! Ends letter with Pilipinas Kay Ganda

November 24, 2010

In a move to try and put an end to the Pilipinas Kay Ganda branding fiasco, Enteng Romano III, DOT Undersecretary for Promotion, has irrevocably resigned his post. In a purportedly hasty press conference with supporters already present and ready to give his reasons for leaving, he still denied any plagiarism had occurred to downplay the uproar. While others were elated at the news of someone taking responsibility for the 3.7 million widely and globally publicized faux pax, many still questioned why it was Romano who resigned and not the Secretary of the DOT if there was truly any command responsibility in this new government.

It is true that the President has been very vocal in defending his men and women from their miscues. But this is not just a publicity nightmare or a twitter or “he left his celphone” mistake, it is travesty that puts to question our culture, creative integrity, global image and how public funds are spent by government. Secretary Alberto Lim should not hide behind the curtains and should himself have had the integrity to offer the President his courtesy resignation at the least. Our recent reports have pointed out several instances that has proven the incapability of this individual to handle such an important and frontline job of promoting and marketing the Philippines and its image. Add to this his arrogant stance against the tourism congress, the private sector and the tourism stakeholders. Now, to defend himself, PR outfits have been trying to re-tell the story of the fiasco and trial ballooning the notion that the flak received was purportedly initiated by people against the open skies policy of this administration and the tourism congress who have been clamoring to be heard under the tourism act of 2009. This is clearly a deflection job trying to downplay his role in this marketing fiasco as he himself was very active promoting and defending the Pilipinas Kay Ganda campaign on radio and print media.

At the onset of the Aquino administration and Lim’s assumption as tourism chair, he was already against the WOW Philippines brand and was already looking to replace it by claiming that the WOW slogan was lacking in content. It should also be noted that Secretary Lim signed all the vouchers and checks and even launched the brand. In government, nothing happens and moves until the Secretary or head of Agency gives his approval and consent. And this can only happen after several internal presentations. If there is anyone who should resign, it should be Secretary Alberto Lim because he has lost the support of the tourism industry stakeholders and not Romano who has been the unfortunate but happy fall guy. Happy? his resignation at most increased his level of integrity which is totally lacking in the Department of Tourism’s current head.

Are they all off the hook so to speak after this gallant and selfless display of personal sacrifice by Enteng Romano? It should be noted that public funds were spent to promote this fiasco to a tune of 3.7 Million for the event alone. Note that Romano only resigned after it was revealed that funds were already spent for the launching event of the failed and plagiarized slogan and logo with actual vouchers and copies of the check being revealed by DOT insiders. This is a crisis response. There should be a full accounting of funds and events…Costs of meetings, reimbursements, travel, agency commissions to really get to the bottom of the fiasco because again public funds were used. They will need to explain all these as a duty to the public and restore a semblance of confidence in the government already branded as a college student council by Senator Joker Arroyo. 3.7 Million may be a small amount, but it is still public money that should be accounted for and justified. Who were the contracted parties that launched the event? Are they in anyway involved with Campaigns & Grey? Who copied the Polska logo? When was this done? More light should be shed in order to avoid a repeat of this in this government and maybe for future governments.

I am sorry does not cut it anymore. GMA said this but her popularity declined. The President should now cut and cut clean and weed out all the bad eggs in his administration to lighten his load! This is the only way this could end. If Alberto Lim had any self respect left in him, he should follow the example of Enteng Romano and just go back to El Nido.

While Enteng Romano has resigned, he still believes in what was developed by Campaigns & Grey. You have to give the man some points for this whereas the Ad Agency who was supposed to defend their creative idea totally failing to defend their own work.

Link to Romano press statement and resignation letter.

PNOY promotes corrupt tourism official to Undersecretary

August 8, 2010

In a move that was contrary to all that PNOY promised during the elections, he promoted one of the most corrupt officials in the Department of Tourism (DOT). Past administrations, yes, administrations had been aware of the activities of this long time official who is a CESO and a protégé of former Secretary Narzalina Lim.

What are the sins of this DOT official to garner such attention from the press? Well as sources put it, the list is long – from position peddling, gross abuse of authority, nepotism and misuse of public funds. During the time of Mina Gabor, she used to pressure Tourism attaches to invite her, in the guise of conducting inspections and needs assessment tours in their respective posts where she would shop for gifts at the most expensive places like Harrod’s. Another would be endearing herself to Congressmen by including them in familiarization tours to gain favor from them for personal gain. She would also threaten the line personnel as all position promotions passed her desk. During the term of Gemma Araneta she single handedly put a stranglehold on plans and programs that were being developed as she held sway over the Legislative Liaison Office and Administrative Services that included the legal division and management of the Coconut Palace. Her trips continued to London and other European posts by insinuating to the Attaches her power of having them retained in their posts as at that time Araneta had been conducting a recall and alignment of the attaches assignments to the DFA rotation model. When Richard Gordon took over, she was not able to position herself as Araneta had been able to conduct a transition despite the political environment. It was at this time that she became a “frozen delight” – an official enjoying the perks of her position but without any direct function. Gordon was briefed on her specifically and she was iced so to speak with Armand Areza looking over her every move. But her power still held weight as she was able to have her daughter hired in a foreign DOT office in the United States as a local hire. She may have had the goods on this attaché to be able to do this. The total insult however came during the term of Durano where again, the outgoing and incoming secretaries were able to exchange notes. Durano retained the staff of Gordon and added some more of his to institute a dynamic change in the DOT. This ASEC as she is called was fully in the back burner for 10 years. But still she could not be removed as she endeared herself to a powerful Drug Lord turned public official from Pampanga who protected her from the ax. The lull and dullness of this period gave her time to scheme and plot for the future.

I was told that during this transition, PNOY told Durano that he was going to retain him for his sterling performance in increasing tourism arrivals to the country. So there was a feeling of continuity. But as politics would have it, another person with much less credentials (even has a pending case or had a pending case that was tourism in nature) took the job – Albert Lim. Let’s see… Narzalina Lim and Bert Lim…are they related?

In anycase, a transition meeting was supposed to be held between Durano and Lim, but at the last minute, the latter excused himself feigning a lack of schedule…or lack of interest as he had already been briefed by the ASEC. As soon as the first order of PNOY came out firing co-terminus employees. This ASEC presented all the personnel to Bert Lim where they were fired instantly with her standing at the back smiling. These included personnel who were in the Department for 15 years and should have been given permanent ones that were unfortunately unavailable or unavailable to those who were not loyal to the ASEC.

PNOY being the President would not be able to look over the entire operations of the Executive Branch of government. That is left to the Executive Secretary and Department Secretaries. Being so, they should be more prudent and circumspect in their appointments of crucial officials by looking into the background of these people. Word has it that this ASEC has a mansion and wide swaths of land in Batangas. Now, how could she possibly amass that with her salary at the DOT?

While the ASEC is a CESO, it does not preclude her from the life style check and a morality check before promotions are signed and handed to so called deserving CESOs. Let’s all be reminded that some of the most corrupt officials in government are armed with this lofty title and do their bidding under its protection.

Why reward corrupt officials or those whose reputations are tarnished with instant promotions even after the slogan – Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap has already been made official and clear as the operational guideline of this government? PALAKASAN PA RIN BA as some DOT personnel put it. WALA RIN PAGBABAGO, they quipped.

There is only one (1) Assistant Secretary (ASEC) position in the DOT and she has just claimed the order for her promotion to Undersecretary has been signed and released in and from the Palace. Good lord, save the people in the DOT and save our tourism Philippine industry.

Congressman Locsin endorses Mar Roxas

May 4, 2010

Congressman Locsin a stalwart of the yellow army and EDSA hero has endorsed the vice presidential bid of Senator Mar Roxas in a video posted in his youtube site.

The TVC entitled “Kalyo ng Makati” is a direct response from the party hierarchy of the Liberal Party on the disunity being created by the camp of Binay within the LP. The title is also a pun on the quote of Senator Cheezy Escudero in an inquirer and abs-cbn interview where he said of Mar Roxas as being “kulang sa kalyo”.

Word has it that the video/TVC is being stopped from airing by the camp of Binay in most of the channels. However it has already appeared in abs-cbn as of this reporting.

Information gathered on this uncovered the involvement of several of the Mayor’s officers like Joey Salgado, Licauco and Lito Anzures who have been using Makati City premises/property like the office of the mayor conference rooms and the UMAK 6th floor (in the guise of GAWAD Kalinga). Sources who work at the UMAK refused to be named but confirmed that their group headed by Joey Montelibano, son of Noynoy campaign communications head Maria Montelibano, is behind the alternative media group that is pushing for the Noynoy -Binay tandem. A certain Gerry Limlingan is purportedly funding the operations in close cooperation with the office of Senator Cheeze Escudero as headed by Lynette Baldovino. All these in light of the scandal that exposed the philandering of Binay. Jun Jun Binay who is also running has recently been exposed in news reports for his 50 million peso mansion. Now is this payback for all the propaganda and lies that Joey Montelibano has been spreading via the internet and SMS against Mar Roxas and Ernie Mercado. We would not really know, but the Binay camp is currently in disarray over what to do with this continuous onslaught.

It would seem however that the campaign of Binay has backfired on him and is bound for an investigation should his opponents win – most specially on his continued use of Makati City property for his vice presidential bid. Reports have it that city hall tapes are already in the hands of opponents regarding the use of the facilities.

In the interest of the public, the San Lorenzo Village Monitor is sharing the video/TVC of Congressman Locsin’s endorsement.

Willie Revillame should go, ABS-CBN should know!

August 13, 2009

Willie Revillame has taken an indefinite leave of absence from his popular noontime show.  Or at least that is what is being stated by the management of ABS-CBN instead of really stating a fact that he has been suspended.  Obviously his tirade during the funeral procession of Cory from Greenhills in San Juan to the Manila Cathedral live on air piqued some officials at ABS-CBN, when Willie shouted on air against showing segments of the funeral march during his show.  It took Gabby Lopez and some of his officials some time before they could react to the issue given that Wowowee is one of the highest rated and  grossing show on the network based on advertising receipts. It had to take 47,000 viewers (and still growing) from all over the world petitioning for the removal of the highest paid TV host to make ABS-CBN officials act on the insult that was first addressed to them but were seen by the Filipino viewing public as un-becoming and grossly inappropriate behavior given that the nation was in mourning.

Obviously Willie is not from a very well educated background, otherwise he would have known what was appropriate behavior at that time.  His antics have become worse in recent times as reported by other news outlets and blogs. Which now brings to question the stand of ABS-CBN network on how it should be part of morally up-lifting the nation.  Condoning Willie and his antics and insults on air would be tantamount to saying that the Kapamilya network has the same values.  In fact they should dis-associate themselves from this boob of a host and retain some self respect for the network and its owners.

It seems that success has gotten into the head of this show host.  Thinking that he is a money maker for the network and an endorser for Presidentiables, he can do anything on air without getting sanctioned or penalized for it. Nobody should be above the law, least of all someone who is on air everyday and whose actions are being emulated by the Filipino youth.  Willie is no longer a positive image for ABS-CBN and they should have known that long before when he was caught driving an illegally imported vehicle.  They should make him know that now.  Soon crocodile tears will come out from his eyes once again on air where he will make a plea of forgiveness to the public.  Should we believe him would be the question.  I’m sure Kris Aquino did (forgive him), but nobody takes her seriously anyway nor is she an expert on moral standards.

Consumer brands being endorsed by Willie should also know that the mere association with him at this moment is tantamount to being associated with a negative proposition- it is brand suicide.  Some crass creative directors may disagree, but that is the risk that they have to take when they sell their concepts to the Brand Managers and owners. PANA or the Philippine Association of National Advertisers have already individually and unofficially discussed the matter with ABS-CBN officials.  An official statement has yet to be stated however.

Even without Willie as a host on his noontime show (Willie is an owner), the show would probably survive given that it has already developed a following worldwide.  However if he stays on, advertising revenues would dry up.  It is still a wonder why Unilever is associating itself with the show given the antics and the insults that Willie dishes out during their segment when he says comments about the armpits of women.  We are sure that Unilever officials cringe at this when they view the segments.

Maybe it should be up the advertisers and viewers to make a decision for ABS-CBN to take out this arrogant show host.  The MTRCB is surely dragging its foot on this.  For ABS-CBN it is a business and when the ratings go down because no one is watching, the advertising revenue will surely dry up.

The San Lorenzo Village Monitor calls on all advertisers (PANA and NON-PANA members), advertising agencies and viewers who live in Barangay San Lorenzo and have their businesses here to boycott Wowowee until such time that ABS-CBN makes an official statement removing Willie Revillame from its network.  Petition for his removal at:

Willie should go, ABS-CBN should know!