Arroyo advises Tupas – limit cases

Senator Joker Arroyo has advised the House of Representatives to concentrate on only 2 of the strongest cases for the impeachment of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez. It is not the not the volume of evidence, but the quality of evidence that will count according to the Senator who led the prosecution panel in the impeachment proceedings of former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada.

Of the 150 Congressmen who have so far agreed on the impeachment move, 117 have pending cases with the Ombudsman. This includes Congressman Neil Tupas Jr. himself whose father, a former Governor of Iloilo has a pending case surrounding the construction of the Iloilo Airport. A lynch-mob is how one journalist described the Congressmen! They want to save their own necks by making the Ombudsman and the prosecutors disappear. They have to remember that it was not the Ombudsman who initiated the cases but private citizens from their own provinces. The Congress is set to vote in plenary on Wednesday March 16. How Can Tupas himself lead the Prosecution quipped Congressman Syjuco when he is considered tainted and biased? He will make the House of Representatives look stupid!

In the Senate, only 5 to 6 Senators are confirmed to vote against Gutierrez. These are Senator Francis Pangilinan, Senator Franklin Drillon, Blue Ribbon Committee Chair Senator Teofisto Guingona, Trillanes, Jinggoy and Miriam. Senator Enrile, Senate President has assured the Ombudsman that the Senate will be fair in hearing the impeachment case which slated to be heard in May and if Arroyo is correct will be a long drawn affair.

The President has ordered the Liberal Party to support the impeachment move. Other officials in the administration had advised the beleaguered Ombudsman to just resign. For her part, the Ombudsman who is popularly supported by her office personnel and some sectors had stated that she would never resign from her sworn oath to defend the interest of the Filipino people.

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