Mrs. Binay laid to rest today

The untimely passing of Kennely Binay, wife of Councilor Jun Jun Binay, was an affair that showed that our politicians still have respect for our culture. Friends, supporters (from far and wide) and political opponents flocked to the young city councilors residence to pay their respects.

One among the first of those opponents was Barangay San Lorenzo’s own Citizen Jay Santiago who had faced councilor Binay repeatedly during the city council hearings that sought for his current suspension as Barangay Chair. Citizen Jay was one of the first from Barangay San Lorenzo to pay his respects to the Binay family despite their political differences.

His presence at the wake shocked many of the supporters of Mayor and Councilor Binay. Some even whispered amongst themselves and shot begrudging looks at the young Barangay Chairman. But this did not deter citizen Jay Santiago who was with his wife from paying his respects and showing his culture and class. He was likewise received with warmth and thanks by the grieving councilor and the Mayor – which likewise showed class and true appreciation.

This small snippet only showed that despite political differences which are often personal in nature, politicians and leaders in Makati City have to a certain extent become more civil most specially in times of personal grief. This little event among many others during the wake showed that politics had no place when it came to our filipino concept of “damayan” and “pagtanggap sa mga nakikiramay”.

Councilor Jun Jun Binay and Citizen Jay Santiago are both young guns in Makati politics. There are still many years in front of them and their supporters. Who knows, they may both travel the same paths and find themselves in one camp.

We, in the San Lorenzo Village Monitor, send our deep condolences to Councilor Binay and his family.

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